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june 5th 2023 ::: NEXT SHOW
our return to the stage has been a blast. thanks so much to everyone who made it to Schokoladen and celebrated with us and H.C. Behrendtsen a night of sound and sweet people. and now we’re glad to be announcing another concert: on the eighth of july we’ll be playing at Villa Kuriosum in Berlin-Lichtenberg. details coming up.
february 25th 2023 ::: 4 YEARS
it has been quiet. but we’ll be playing. live. again. finally! almost exactly four years to the day after our last concert, Berlin’s one and only Schokoladen will have us back. plus we are very much looking forward to be playing with the amazing H. C. Behrendtsen from Leipzig. so we’re back in a new(is) practice space, finding out what all this making music with friends was all about. sending digital hugs ... which we can transform into analogue ones soon, yes? pls? pls!
august 5th 2020 ::: 10 YEARS
hey everyone! we're still here. and we just wanted to take a moment to leave a note. mind-boggling 10 YEARS (and two days) ago we were setting forth on a fun and wild road trip across the east coast and the mid west of the United States of America. it's safe to say that the wonderful and sometimes fucked up things that happened on tour with Rapid Cities are among our fondest memories ... like, EVER! (=_=) the world is a different place now. to y'all and to our friends in the US especially: we hope you are all ok out there! stay safe. stay strong.
august 5th 2020 ::: 10 YEARS
hey everyone! we're still here. and we just wanted to take a moment to leave a note. mind-boggling 10 YEARS (and two days) ago we were setting forth on a fun and wild road trip across the east coast and the mid west of the United States of America. it's safe to say that the wonderful and sometimes fucked up things that happened on tour with Rapid Cities are among our fondest memories ... like, EVER! (=_=) the world is a different place now. to y'all and to our friends in the US especially: we hope you are all ok out there! stay safe. stay strong.
... and here's a little "thank you 2010" note taken from our website:
»it was an amazing experience that sometimes feels a bit unreal, thinking back. it takes a special place in our hearts and heads. Rapid Cities! we love you. you'll be missed. thank you so much for doing this with us. // the year already started super fresh: in february we had nine days with the amazing ...We Fade To Grey. guys, the road is waiting for this dynamic duo to return! // we were very happy to play with fine musicians and fine people such as Joan Of Arc, Haymarket Riot, A Tundra, Love Of Everything, Adam & Naive and Future Islands. it's been a super soaker 2000 of a year for us. thanks Asymmetrie, Love/Hate Records, Time As A Color!«
january 30th 2020 ::: SAYING “HI!”
so... our non-music lives are kind of busy these days. plus we are desperately waiting on being able to move back into our mOck headquarter, our good old practice space, after two years of it being ‘under construction’ ... or whatever. we do have a room we can use. but we’re burning to finally come back home and really start working on new stuff again. we will keep you posted, dear old school band homepage followers!
take care. peas!
c. / mOck
we’re stoked to be playing a bunch of shows alongside our homies AG Form this month!
october 29th 2018 ::: TOURING IN NOVEMBER
needless to say we’re super looking forward to these concerts. especially sharing stages with Joan Of Arc again will be super groovy.*
august 22nd 2018 ::: SHOWS BEING BOOKED
we’ll be playing at the Literaturhaus Weimar on the 2rd of november. this will be part of Jazzmeile Thüringen. we’re looking forward to playing between poetry readings. that’s something new for us. cool.
may 2018 ::: BABIES BEING BORN (part VI)
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may 15th 2018 ::: TAPE RELEASE SHOW
...not a new mOck tape will be released and celebrated on friday may 25th, but the second album by JUMP & RUN. it’s called "musik ist sich egal 2" and will be out on Froggi Records. 2/3 of mOck will be playing live as support. Freddy Knop will be back on the pads after a while away from the stage with his solo project. And Kid Ikarus will join in with the usual unusual clumsy hi-end Jump & Run is Nepumuk alias knowsum (of fantastic label Sichtexot) und Johannes Lauxen (of knertz collective fame). that means: wonderful beats und (german) rhymes of the very best kind! mOck are big fans and as such 100% objective!
- Jump & Run on faithbook
- “musik ist sich egal 2” tape on bandcamp
april 6th 2018 ::: WHOOP!
soooo... what’s new?
- well, we got semi kicked out of our rehersal space. we hope this will be just half the bummer it appeared to be first. right now we’re looking for nice people to let us ‘sesh’ at their place.
- for all of you collectors out there who a) like our (older) stuff and b) don’t mind the wtf-only-one-song-per-side-format called “vinyl single” we have a little tip: our first split 7” with the wonderful We Fade To Grey is still available through time as a color AND they’re giving it away right now for a sooper nice price. go check it out here: ... yeah, here.
- in other news... us being fans ‘n’ freinds of Joan Of Arc we GOTTA say that we’re very excited about their new album “1984” coming out June 1st. the whole idea behind it sounds like we’re rightfully expecting to hear JOA with a whole new sound... once again.
november 6th 2017 ::: JOINING THE AG AGAIN
another berlin show is added. we’re happy to be joining our budddds AG Form for the release show of their debut LP called “commons” on december 3rd. a sunday. the show will be at the Internet Explorer (Kranoldstraße 9, 12051 Berlin). come by. get cozy with us. dschaeah!

september 20th 2017 ::: DATE TRADING
sorry. we will not be able to play “BINGO and BONGO” at Schokoladen this thursday. BUT we’re super happy to let you know about a new show coming up. mOck will play in support of avant-jazz noise duo Balazs Pandi / Trevor Dunn (Mr. Bungle / Fantômas) at Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin. make sure not to miss this one.
june 26th 2017 ::: SUMMER TOUR
we’re going on tour from july 6th until july 15th together with the charming young men of Arbeitsgemeinschaft Form aka AG Form.
febuary 17th 2017 ::: RIP VAN WINKLE
new songs in the making (as always) + currently putting together a tour in the summer. just to let you know, dear ol' school homepagers.*
may 4th 2016 ::: SHOWS COMING UP
two berlin-shows are coming up:on may 19th we will host a special houseshow with the wonderful Geoff Farina (of the legendary Karate, Glorytellers, Exit Verse), for more infos get in touch: mail(at)mockmockmock.deand on july 5th we will support the fantastic Skeleton$ at west germany, berlin.

may 2016 ::: BABIES BEING BORN (part V):::::::::.............................::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::......:::::::::::....::::::::......::::::::.......::::::::::::::::::::::::...... .........:::::::::::.............::::[l]................::::::::::::........::::::::::::::::::......... .....:::::::::::::::::::::::::........................::::::::::::........:::::::::::::::
october 22nd 2015 ::: BACK TO THE FUTR
1961 days ago today we released our demo on cassette and mini cdr. the title might remind you of that film with the neat car and that "johnny be good" song in it (people talked about it lately). actually it is inspired by a delicious arabic delicacy that our early songs were fueled by. a big shout out to Zad Bistro, Kreuzberg (r.i.p.) and to Robert Deneke who recorded the demo with us, which went a little something like this:
september 11th 2015 ::: SEPTEMBER SHOWS
a nice little weekender:
sept 25th - CZ - Pilsen @ Busking Fest
sept 26th - CZ - Prag @ Café V Lese
sept 27th - DE - Dresden @ Rösslstube
sept 28th - DE - Berlin @ Schokoladen
july 16th 2015 ::: CANCELED
we're pretty damn sad to announce that Joan Of Arc had to cancel their tour. so those shows in august won't happen, but we hope J.O.A. will be able to come to europe again in the near future.Mr. Lee is angry!

we're pretty bram stoked to play some shows with Joan Of Arc again this august.
wiesbaden / köln / münster / berlin.
lurking foward!

may / june 2015 ::: BABIES BEEING BORN
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arpil 14th 2015 ::: BLN SHOW, NOT TO BE MISSED
another show at our dear Schokoladen. just another one? nope! on may 25th SAJJANU from Tokyo are begladdening (nosuchword?) us with their presence and their super cool hectic stop'n'go crazyness on two guitars and one drumkit. you should really check them out. it can only be pretty special seeing them live.
february 24th 2015 ::: DISCOGRAPHISM
we updated our bandcamp page. you can now find pretty much everything we ever recorded, including our very first song "erster", "another sea" from the long sold out split 7" with We Fade To Grey and the other split releases. we also added some mOck related music:
* a special treat is the 1999 mini album "853" by lin. (Freddy's and Felix's former band).
* Freddy's "remaking the past" EP (still released under the pOnk moniker via mush records)
* Felix's Prof. Hocus impro guitar loop album "err?"
* the "years" demo by Conrad's and Felix's high school emo outfit Dais
fill ur ears here: >>> http://mockmockmock.bandcamp.com

january 14th 2015 ::: FROM THE REHERSAL HALL
belated happy happy new new to you! we started writing new songs. we hope to have a whole bunch of them finished until the end of this year. let's see what that could mean exactly...
[click pic 4 vid]

december 12th 2014 ::: SALON OF THE ROSE
ok, so Freddy is back from the incredible bore that New York City was to him (j.w.a.). that means: it's time to play live again!! and where would be a better place to have a here-we-go-again kind of show than good old Schokoladen?

november 12th 2014 ::: SUSHI CYCLOPS
intercontinental band talk

october 3rd 2014 ::: PAUSING
so, we're taking a little break. mainly because 1/3 of "the mOck" is hanging out in the city of New York until end of november. but we'll be back soon!
august 4th 2014 ::: M()CK DELUXE SET
on august 13 we will play a show like the big boys, seperated in 2 sets, you know. also we are planning to play some of our older tunes. + this will take place on berlin's "island of youth". sounds good, right?
the facts: august 13th // 8 PM // Insel Treptow (Treptower Park)
july 12th 2014 ::: NEXT HOUSE SHOW
dear friends, we are very pleased to announce the next houseshow on July 27th - this time, Annie Lewandowski`s band and brainchild POWERDOVE (incl. members of DEERHOOF / L`OCELLE MARE) will be our guests. right before the show, you will have the chance to be among the first to watch and listen to a short film about the wonderful and adventurous performance piece RESONANCE ASSEMBLY, komposition für fabrik by the polish artist Zorka Wollny.
the facts: July 27th // 8 PM // at Heinz / AudioFile, Bayerische Str. 8, 10707 Berlin

may 29th 2014 ::: COMPILATION
our song "leiden, nl" is part of a compilation put together by MUSICAL MATHEMATICS. it's nice to be on this. so many interesting bands to get to know. you should check it out. you can download it for free (surprise!) VIA BANDCAMP. also there has been this falttering "components" REVIEW on feckingbahamas.com. someone actually sat down and checked out those time signatures (well, not all are pointed out. but we wouldn't know what they are ourselves anyway).

thanks to FRIEND OF MINE RECORDS our debut album and the "components" EP are now combined and available on CD in japan! another childhood-dream come true for us!

our brandnew video for the song "Leiden, NL" is featured on URB.COM, here is what they write:
"...the Tortoise and Karate-influenced trio operates in a free structure alternating between minimalist restraint and bursts of complexity. In the cleverly edited clip for “Leiden, NL”, mOck is shown performing through reflections and projections bouncing off various instruments and an old Nintendo…"
february 21st 2014 ::: COMPONENTS OUT NOW
happy to announce the release of our brandnew »components« EP; available on 10" vinyl and as a digital download! // many thanks to CORAILLE, FRIEND OF MINE RECORDS, NEFARIOUS INDUSTRIES (US / Japan releases SOON), our buddy and engineer Fe-Flo Tödtloff and above all YOU for listening and persistently showing love at our shows. // this EP is dedicated to the memory of our good friend Nino Kühnis. //
thanks. peace.
january 5th 2014 ::: ADDITIONAL GEOFF + TDP SHOW!!
Geoff Farina and The Dropout Patrol will play TWO house shows! we added another show for sunday, january 12th! please feel free to join. write a short message and please let us know if you're attending the concert on the 12th or on the 13th.
[january 7th: sorry again. both of the house shows are now 'sold out'!!]
january 2nd 2014 ::: HOUSESHOW WITH GEOFF FARINA
happy 2014, everyone!!! and here is to a great start: we have an incredible event for you coming up. on january 13th the one and only GEOFF FARINA is back in berlin and ready for another houseshow that we are incredibly happy to present. Geoff will be supported by our good friends THE DROPOUT PATROL. please join and write us an email if you want to come, seats are limited!!
[january 4th: sorry. by now the list is closed!!]
december 23rd ::: FLOW HO HO
these two friends of ours deliver a nice and solemn rap track for the holidays. Dr. Fraggle and Tanuki - two underground rap activists whose next steps should definitely be followed.
listen >>> DR. FRAGGLE feat. TANUKI "FLOW HO HO"

december 8th 2013 ::: 10" PREORDER + "SINGH" STREAM
yes, you can now preorder our new EP "components" on 10" Vinyl via Bandcamp.our brandnew track "singh" is streaming over there, too. check it out: >>> http://mockmockmock.bandcamp.com/album/components-ep
december 5th 2013 ::: COMPONENTS
hello, dear rad people of eternia! we are happy to announce a new family member. our new EP entitled "components" will be available via our beloved label CORAILLE from february 21st. 4 new songs on 10" vinyl (!) + digital release. and there is a special CD thingy coming up too. we'll let you know more about that soon. you'll be given a little taste of the EP when we'll hit the roaring road in a few days. from dec. 13th till 17th to play shows with the glorious and ever surprising JOAN OF ARC and the wonderfully entangling PETETHEPIRATESQUID. we're stoked!!

november 27th 2013 ::: PROF. HOCUS
ohä! pretty much out of nowhere came this one take improvised piece / album. Felix is shooting fine slightly chaotic guitar loops from the hip. for all y'all crooked hypnosis music lovers!
>>> PROF. HOCUS on bandcamp

november 20th 2013 ::: LISTENERS
Freddy has big news! he just got his mastering studio up and running. it goes by the name of LISTENERS and is now ready for all kinds of productions, from vinyl and CD to digital mastering, including stem mastering and the like. the studio is located in the same rooms where his family`s business ADAM Audio started to produce studio loudspeakers in 1999 - and where we sometimes do houseshows. it is equipped with a lovely arrangement of very fine analog gear, accompanied by an array of up-to-date plugins. make sure to have a look: >>> LSTNRS.DE

october 20th 2013 ::: SHORT-TERMISM
another berlin show just flew in through the window. already next saturday:
oct. 26 >> Zinefest aftershow party @ Bei Ruth.
october 18th 2013 ::: AUTUMN WEEKEND
soo-oon we will play a handful of concerts with the dear people who call their band DROPOUT PATROL. in Eisenberg, Leipzig, Kassel and Berlin that is. stop by! say high!
[see 'live' for the where and when...]

june 30th 2013 ::: VIDEO JOURNEY
Felix went through endless amounts of footage of our tour in the US in 2010. this video for our song 'An Hour from Now' is filled to the brim with impressions of a tropically hot two week trip with our love affair RAPID CITIES - going to places, playing shows, fun times, van breakdowns, speed boat rides ... and what not. we're glad to share some of these foxing sweet memories.
may 24th 2013 ::: CASSINGLE!
there is a new split tape - a cassingle, to be exact - which we share with founders of fragmento and tip top zurichians THE RABBIT THEORY. streeeet date: 1st of june! our song "the road the route" was recorded during the sessions for the LP but didn't end up on the album. we saved it. it's one of our earliest ones, so it's great to have it on a tape together with The Rabbit Theory, who we played our very first two shows with four years ago. n1ce! (btw: limited to 70 copies!)

april 22nd 2013 ::: TWO THIRDS
Freddy and Conrad will each be playing solo sets at Madame Claude on friday (april 26th). hope to see you there. and then we will hit Dresden on the 28th! can't wait to play live again!

at the moment we are working on a set of new songs. when our other lives allow us to. we have a couple of shows coming up and we are very excited about our short trip to spain in may! we will be playing at Ojalá Estë Mi Bici Festival in Barcelona and a second show in Sabadell. this is going to be marvelous and we are greatful for the chance to escape the everlasting winter, which will apparently never leave central europe. *

january 20th 2013 ::: HOUSESHOW # 2
we are back with a superb houseshow that we will host for BIRTHMARK (Nate Kinsella) on february 12th! our good friend EL GOS BINARI (bln / barcelona) will be supporting. here is how to join the fun: there is limited space, so please write us at mail@mockmockmock.de for a reservation. you will recieve details about the exact time and place via e-mail... we're psyched!

january 2nd 2013 ::: HAPPY NEW DSCHEAH!
all the best, kids! stay gold.
november 17th 2012 ::: ONE GLANCE BACK, ONE GLANCE AHEAD
recently we played quite a few shows in our hometown of bln. a very memorable one was the house show with Geoff Farina (photos below by Jordi Tost). we wanted to say thanks again to everyone who came and supported this event, organized on short notice. not to forget the hypnotic C.J. Boyd who you should not miss next time he comes to visit on his ever ongoing tour. // after our rehersal space got flooded in july it is now completely rehabilitated and in full new beauty. we started working on new songs for an ep that we hope to be able to record sometime early next year. we feel at home. also there is a long overdue split on the way. more precise news about that soon. // another thing worth mentioning: on saturday, november 24th we'll play at berlin's :// about blank, supporting the amazing Shield Your Eyes (uk), alongside our local buddies RobotroN. you shouldn't miss this!

september 20th 2012 ::: DOUBLE BIRTHDAY
an animaly looking flyer for the Kid Ikarus &+ Petula birthday show at Kastanie, Berlin on the 29th. you should come and bring your friends (...denn freunde sind gut drauf)!

september 6th 2012 ::: IT'S ABOUT TIME
Freddy has been busy extending the future mOck line up, Felix is living the sweet daddy life and Conrad's been doing fun stuff at Ars Electronica in Linz very recently. it is time for playing some shows again. two in good ol' Berlin for now. first off there is Regenfest on the 15th of september, then we'll play a set on the 29th at the Kid Ikarus & Petula Geburtstagsgala part II. Sebi and Conrad will be celebrating with music. come on out people. it will be sweet.

july 17th 2012 ::: ARIGATOU
wow! our LP is now available in Japan through Friend Of Mine Record Distribution. this is great!

july 7th 2012 ::: ):
we had to cancel today's show in Würzburg at the XYEAHX summer fest. bummer.
july 1st 2012 ::: REVIEWS
since our LP dropped it got quite a few favourable reviews. once in a while another one pops up and we add it to the release pages. worth checking out all of them. people seemed to really have given it a good listen, which is just great! thanks. we just put up the ones out of OX fanzine and jerseybeat.com (probably the most recent one).
june 17th 2012 ::: TWO MORE BERLIN SHOWS
we have two more Berlin shows coming up of which one is pretty special to us, since it's gonna be at Pony Royal, in the very room where we shot the photo for our LP cover. we'll be playing an acoustic set alongside the friendly El Gos Binari who's bringing soothing guitar/vocal loops. the show starts at 8 pm sharp. two days before that we play a Fête De La Musique show at Adam HQ.
21.6.12 @ Adam Audio HQ w/ Alpha Trip, Kilombo, Boneslasher
23.6.12 @ Pony Royal [semi acoustic set] w/ El Gos Binari

june 13th 2012 ::: SUMMER KICK OFF MINI FEST
Live @ Schokoladen, Berlin - June 16 // start: 4 pm !!! w/ Petula, Ampl:tude, Young Hare, The Dropout Patrol, Sissters and feat. Vegan BBQ + DJs

may 30th 2012 ::: REMAKING THE PAST
Freddy's new pOnk ep entitled "remaking the past" is out now on Los Angeles based label Mush Records. For this ep Freddy rearranged bits and pieces from the recordings of our debut album. It's like puzzle pieces from mOck songs you can recognize in a new context, but made into a musical whole of it's own. Definitely not only enjoyable for people familiar with the mOck record.
the release will be celebrated on saturday, june 2nd at Berlin's ://about blank. drop by if you can!

may 11th 2012 ::: OVERDUE NEWS
this page forgot to tell you: for our tour with Victor Villarreal we made a split 7" with two new songs. "suspended nerve" was recorded with Erik Bocek and Scott Shellhamer of Ghosts & Vodka, and Vic's guitar playing on this song definitely reminds of their old band. for sure something to check out for G&V fans. on our side of the split you'll find the nearly seven minute long "arms and tales". listen and order via bandcamp.

may 2nd 2012 ::: CMJ INTERVIEW
check out this nice interview with Conrad on the CMJ WEBSITE
april 25th 2012 ::: TOUR VIDEO REMIX
We had an awesome time with Victor on the road! Thanks again to everyone who came out and/or set up a show and helped us to make that dream come true!Here is a little summary of our Europe-trip:
march 26th 2012 ::: TOUR COMING RIGHT UP
here are the final, the official and glorious dates for our tour with Victor Villarreal, starting this saturday! we just can't wait to get rollin' and hope to see you in one of the following places:
31.03.12 - DE - Dresden @ Veränderbar
01.04.12 - CZ - Pardubice @ Divadlo 29
02.04.12 - DE - Berlin @ Schokoladen
03.04.12 - DE - Bremen @ Halle 11
04.04.12 - DE - Hamburg @ Hasenschaukel
05.04.12 - LU - Luxemburg @ D:Qliq
06.04.12 - NL - Leiden @ Qbus
07.04.12 - NL - Utrecht @ KNG56
08.04.12 - DE - Marburg @ Trauma im G-Werk
09.04.12 - DE - Darmstadt @ Oetinger Villa
10.04.12 - DE - Dortmund @ FZW
11.04.12 - DE - Nürnberg @ Galerie Bernsteinzimmer [VENUE CHANGE! ]
12.04.12 - AT - Wien @ Transporterbar
13.04.12 - DE - München @ Kafe Kult
14.04.12 - DE - Frankfurt @ Ivi

march 13th 2012 ::: FILLING IN / FLYING IN
pretty spontainiously be will be playing with Lymbyc Systym (Arizona, Mush Records) this thursday, march 15th, at Berlin's Cassiopeia! ...just lik: swoooosh*
march 5th 2012 ::: ALBUM PREORDER
you can now stream AND preorder "mOck" by mOck on our bandcamp page. preorders will be shipped right after the release date (march 30th). US release date to be announced sooon! feel free to spread the word.

february 14th 2012 ::: IT HAS ARRIVED
(( shaking with joy )) ... our first LP is here and we are happy to announce it's release through the wonderful label Coraille in Europe for march 30th. The great and friendly I Love To Hate Records will make it available in the U.S. (release date tba). You might be able to already catch your copy at one of our shows before the actual release date. or go ahead an order it at Flight13. // Baem*

january 10th 2012 ::: THE NEW YEAR
hi! there's quite some news for this new year, or "the twelve" as we simply like to call it.
a) we are awesomely stoked to announce that we will be on a euro/germ()ny tour together with guitar mastermind Victor Villarreal of Joan of Arc, Cap'n Jazz, Owls and Ghosts & Vodka, who will be bringing his solo record 'Invisible Cinema' to europe! If you are interested in setting up a show for Victor and us, please get in touch (mail@mockmockmock.de).
b) in february we will play a four day tour with our buam buddies We Fade To Grey. finally reunited! check the dates in the 'live' section.
c) our s/t full lentgh record is being manufactured at the pressing plant as i'm writing this. more news sooooon...
d) the postponed acoustic set at Café Max Karl (in berlin-kreuzberg) will take place on the 10th of february. katshing!

december 10th 2011 ::: THIS JUST OUT
we had to cancel the acousic set at café max karl on the 16th. it got postponed to january...
november 28th 2011 ::: TWOTHOUSAND-END-ELEVEN
for what's left of this year we have some things lined up on our list. we are knee-deep in arranging the album. let's not waste words on trying to explain what took so long. we're on it! besides that:
- we will be recording a new song with Felix of PTPS, end of december.
- there will be a mOck acoustic set at Café Max Karl on december 16th
november 22nd 2011 ::: THE WEEKEND
saturday and sunday, Leipzig and Dresden. the former pretty spontanious, the latter long awaited.
26.11.11 - DE - Leipzig @ Frühauf w/ Radio Burroughs, Shokei, Cara Beth Satalino
27.11.11 - DE - Dresden @ Galerie Adam Ziege w/ Radio Burroughs
november 18th 2011 ::: BLÄST FROM THE PÄST
hi. here are two videos of Freddy's and Felix's former band LIN. a) rehersing a cover of Quicksand's evergreen 'landmine spring' with 2/5 of their tour buddies Treadmill b) live at Wild At Heart, Berlin. this was 1999 [c]
november 9th 2011 ::: NEXT SHOW
This Friday, november 11th, will be a blast!!! We are playing a show with our dear friends Radio Burroughs and Pete The Pirate Squid!!! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! [flx]

october 30th 2011 ::: FRIENDS MAKING MUSIC
our friend John, formerly of Rapid Cities, has a new band: Real Good. he recently sent us a demo tape. you should check it out. order a tape or download the songs on their bandcamp page. i somehow think of their sound as a mix of Rail and Gathering Ground (does anyone still know these bands? damn, i feel so 1995). [c]
>>> http://itsrealgood.bandcamp.com/

october 2nd 2011 ::: ZUREICH
hoi! we are very much looking forward to playing Friends Fest in Zürich at Binz on October 15th. it's a great occasion to see our friends of The Rabbit Theory and Dying In Motion again, who we played our very first shows with. and say what you will about the golden girls - you gotta love the poster. [c]

september 25th 2011 ::: SOME PICTURES
some pictures of us and freddy's pOnk are to be seen here: www.berlinbeat.org/photos
we like to cook our salaries.
when you get paid in vegetables after a show. simply get cooking. YUM!

august 5th 2011 ::: BUS TO DRESDEN
dear Berlin citizen! in case you wanna see Algernon Cadwallader, 1994! and us play in Dresden at OffSpot TOMORROW, we still have seats to fill in the van. drop us an e-mail: mail@mockmockmock.de
july 19th 2011 ::: THE PROCESS
recently we locked ourselves into a room over the weekend, working on an installation that is, in a 2D version, going to be the cover for our LP. we can't wait to hold that thing in our hands. thanks to Jan, Hannes and Shuah at Siegfriedstraße 12. // in the meantime we're looking forward to playing with Algernon Cadwallader in Dresden on the 8th of August and the show in Hamburg on the 26th of August. // Felix at work:

june 30th 2011 ::: SECRET SOURCES
hello. for those of you who consider themselves explorers of the things happening behind the scenes here's a little treat. Felix used to produce hip hop oriented instrumental music under the alias Casual some years ago. the track "pistol 79" from around 2000, which also Freddy contributed to, built the basis for our song "another sea" from the split 7" with ...We Fade To Grey. fun facts for you. you can download the track here >>> Casual : "pistol 79"

april 24th 2011 ::: FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS
it took a bit for them to get over the big pond - now we have a handful of copies of the Love/Hate Records compilation "Friends With Benefits" in stock. it is featuring 18 bands, amongst them Rapid Cities, Leaf Routines, Ex Wife (just to name some we played with). our contribution is the first song we ever wrote together as mOck called "erster". a great compilation with quite some variety of underground bands from the east coast diy scene and beyond. to get a copy just write us at mail@mockmockmock.de // friends overseas please contact Love/Hate Records >>> http://ilovetohaterecords.bigcartel.com/

march 21st 2011 ::: STUDIO IMPRESSIONS
after recording our album we are now getting the tracks ready to send them to Mr. McEntire for mixing pretty soon. in the meantime we hope you enjoy the by now traditional studio impressions video. this time starring Mr. Hauspurg, who did a fantastic job behind the knobs (!!!), Mr. M(o)ck (tearin' down the house), Mr. Kep(p)ler (invisible) and ourselves. more news very soon...
february 20th 2011 ::: REC REC REC
today we're going to Hamburg to set up everything for recording our LP with our friend Robert Hauspurg during the next week. maybe now is a good time to reveal that it's going to be John McEntire of Tortoise (and Sea & Cake, and, and...) who will be mixing our album at SOMA Studios in Chicago. we are extremely happy about this and already shaking with excitement to hear the outcome. big deal for us! ... so now it's thumbs up for some music and a good time with Robert. it will look like this:

february 16th 2011 ::: A RECOMMENDATION
our first show of the us tour last summer was opened by these young chaps, who made some tunes that are stuck in my head these days. ADAM & NAIVE from Smithtown, Long Island, NY are five best friends who play music together. and they are pretty productive. all the band members have solo projects and together with friends around them they form a collective called Practice Room Records. defenitely worth checking out if you're looking for music to have a jolly good / dreamy time to. on their page you find all their music (some 15 eps and albums!) downloadable for free. "sunbrella", "skymother" and "less than two" are straight up hits! c.
>>> practiceroomrecords on bandcamp

Conrad (mOck) meets Konrad (Adam & Naive)
january 17th 2011 ::: FOXIN' SWEET FLYER

january 10th 2011 ::: NEW YEAR. NEW PAGE.
this is mockmockmock.de
it's new.
we're saying hi to a new year. and 2010 - we take a bow, because it has been an incredible year for us. we were given the chance to do a tour in the US and for a band that started playing live only a bit over a year before, that, i reckon, is PRETTY SOMETHING! it was an amazing experience that sometimes feels a bit unreal, thinking back. it takes a special place in our hearts and heads. Rapid Cities! we love you. you'll be missed. thank you so much for doing this with us. // the year already started super fresh: in february we had nine days with the amazing ...We Fade To Grey. guys, the road is waiting for this dynamic duo to return! // we were very happy to play with fine musicians and fine people such as Joan Of Arc, Haymarket Riot, A Tundra, Love Of Everything, Adam & Naive and Future Islands. it's been a super soaker 2000 of a year for us. thanks Asymmetrie, Love/Hate Records, Time As A Color!
what's ahead:
we are going to be in the studio at the end of february with our friend Robert Hauspurg in Hamburg, recording our first album. we just did some test recordings, which went pretty well. we are excited!